Silver Package
- Marketing consultancy for your company with a proven and effective marketing team
- Social Media Set up of Facebook & Instagram pages + Monitor up to 50 chats
- Live Chat Monitoring (Option: Business can choose if they want to monitor themselves or not) up to 50 Chats
- Up to 2 Advert Design per month
- Sharing Ad to 10 Groups per month
- Up to 5x Courses valued up to R5000 each Excludes Reg Fee & Exam Fees
Gold Package
- Up to 5 Page Basic Website Creation or Updates if needed
- Marketing consultancy for your company with a proven and effective marketing team
- Social Media Set up of Facebook & Instagram pages+ Monitor up to 100 chats
- Live Chat Monitoring (Option: Business can choose if they want to monitor themselves or not) up to 100 Chats
- Up to 4 Advert Designs
- Website Maintenance & Updates
- Sharing Ad to 20 Groups
- A dedicated BDM (Business Development Manager)
- Video and Visual Creation – 1 Video per month (15 second)
- Lead Generation Advice
- Up to 10x FREE Courses valued up to R5000 per course redeemed. Excludes Registration fee and exam fee’s.
Platinum Package
- Up to 20 Page e-Commerce Advanced Website Creation or Updates if needed and setup SEO & Security
- Marketing consultancy for your company with a proven and effective marketing team
- Social Media Set up of Facebook & Instagram pages + Monitor up to 200 chats
- Live Chat Monitoring (Option: Business can choose if they want to monitor themselves or not) up to 200 Chats
- Up to 6 Advert Designs
- Website Maintenance & Updates
- Sharing Ad to 30 Groups
- A dedicated BDM (Business Development Manager)
- Video and Visual Creation – 1 Video per month (30 second)
- Lead Generation Advice
- Assistance with HR & Queries
- Assistance with Marketing Plan
- Unlimited FREE Courses valued up to R5000 per course redeemed. Excludes Registration fee and exam fee’s.